
Upholstery cleaning

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Upholstery deep cleaning

All textiles get dirty when used. While it is common practice to wash our clothes, not many people think about washing the covers of their sofas, armchairs or mattresses. Yet furniture is used more often than a pair of jeans, for example, and should thus be thoroughly cleaned every once in a while. 

Due to regular use, dirt, food and drink stains, and pet hair can settle deep into the fabric. Upholstery also attracts and collects dust, which can cause allergies. While it is easy to remove stains from your upholstery using household supplies, it is more difficult to wash out the dirt and dust that has already seeped deep into the fabric. For this reason, we recommend ordering deep cleaning in accordance with the frequency of use of your upholstery.

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Deep cleaning

Deep cleaning of upholstery is not only necessary to remove stains and dirt, but also to remove various pathogens. Even if there are no visible stains on the fabric, dust and grime have accumulated in it, making the fabric look greasy, faded, and shabby.

Regular deep cleaning not only leaves you with cleaner furniture, but also creates a healthier environment – upholstery and carpeting both contain large amounts of dust, allergens and bacteria that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

TP Kinnisvarahooldus offers deep cleaning of upholstery with a textile washer at the client’s location. 

It is a relatively quick process (an average sofa takes around one hour to clean) and no preparations are necessary at home. You also do not have to worry about any unpleasant chemical odours – all the cleaning products used are virtually odourless and after rinsing no foreign odours will remain in the room.

Good to know

It is important to note that after deep cleaning the cleaned surfaces will be slightly damp and need a few hours to fully dry.

Read here how you can remove stains from carpeting and upholstery using household supplies.

Prevention is key!

If dealing with all of the above seems cumbersome, it is best to be proactive. There are several nanotechnology-based surface protection products available on the market. These innovations are not only beneficial for clumsy people, but also those who have light-coloured upholstery. 

We will coat all strategic surfaces in your home or office with nanotechnology surface protection and you will no longer have to worry about stains, even when accidents happen.